Dr. Leonard Carapezza’s: Early Treatment of Malocclusion Course

Dr. Leonard Carapezza’s: Early Treatment of Malocclusion Course

We had a great time hosting Dr. Leonard Carapezza’s Early Treatment of Malocclusion course at our dental laboratory. We wrapped up the last session of the course today. We want to give a big thank you to all of the doctors that attended! It was a pleasure working with you all. We also want to give a BIG THANK YOU to Debbie and Orthoarch for helping out with this course, you guys rock.

For more information on upcoming Continuing Education courses feel free to email, call or follow us on Instagram to see what’s new with Intelligent Touch Dental Lab.

#dentalCE #pediatricdentistry #earlytreatment

SOLE Provider Annual Toy Drive Flyer

Toy Drive 2018

Hello Friends, Family, and Colleagues! I.T.D.L is are happy to announce that we are participating in Sole Provider MNs 2nd Annual #ToyDrive! We will be 1of 4 drop off locations throughout the twin cities. All donations will be given to the Jerry Gambles Boy and Girls club. We hope you consider participating in this fun and rewarding toy drive to help us spread the holiday joyful memories to all!

CSDA Booth

Great Friends

Here is an old friend, a great colleague, but he was an even better doctor. I’ve know Ed for about 32 years, he was one of my very first doctors I did work for. Now retired he is still helping me today. Ed is in our booth at the CSDA helping spread the word about I.T.D.L.
Thank you Ed!

  1. If you ever want to rent out a beach house on Cape Cod he has a beautiful one!#csda#charteroakdentalmeeting #dentalgram