Kois Center: 165 Functional Occlusion and Treatment Planning

A moment with David.

As many of our accounts know, I am finally going through the Kois Center for c.e. This was my first time attending the Kois Center in Seattle for Continuing education. This has been a course I have been wanting to attend for some time now. That time finally came last week (11-29-12/3). It was honestly one of my most enjoyed weeks of continuing ed. This course brought our class threw a system of diagnostics and taught us how to look at photo bits, casts, and medical history- All to help learn and predict long term capabilities.

We were taught how to open the bite the correct amount. How to use the Kois Facial Reference Glasses correctly- mounting bites with the Kois reference Analyzer.

Why Deprograming? How long can it take to deprogram? Why do some people have immense pain, but others will not have pain while wearing away their dentition? Risk Assessment, Perio: why & what we should know for case planning? Learning to diagnose a problem with occlusion. What things we should have for the case. When we only have the casts without the photos, how do we proceed? Photos are needed in repose/full smile cases. Full face photos give us technicians an extra piece of information. What can we do with that though? With a diagnostic wax up, we are making the anteriors back to what we see on the cast. With photos we can now see a length that would be better suited for our patient and their facial features

As we work out the new smile we become aware of the envelope of function to protect the new smile. With our help using diagnostic wax ups of the occlusion, we can create long term results with our restorations. I personally cannot wait for the Implants & Removable Course next week to see how this ties together. Thank you for reading, I look forward to bringing you, your practice, and most importantly your patients the best!

David Geffre